neu moon events
Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - tAURUS Moon

Join the amazing @moonmixologies creators at The Neu Neu for an evening of New Moon preparation.
Our goal is to help you meditate on what you want to bring into this season of the Taurus moon. We’ll start with guided breath work led by Moon Mixologies to ground us. Materials & prompts will be provided for intention-setting & journaling to prepare for, and reflect on Tarot card readings. You’ll be sent home with some goodies to help you continue practicing your own ceremonies throughout the moon cycle.
Sip on inspired cocktails created just for the New Moon in Taurus, and nibble on local and organic small bites.
Bring a notebook to journal your intentions or add on our "Neu Moon Prep Kit".
The workshop will start promptly at 7:00pm, so please arrive beforehand to check-in.
Metered parking spots and parking ramps are available within a block of the venue. We encourage using ride share services as well.